Histogram and tables with performance of International Stocks Markets, Commodities, Bonos and Currencies performance.

Histogram ordered hierarchy by time frame choosed evolution.

INDEX of Currencies, Commodities, Bonos and Stock Markets

CHARTS of Stock Index, Currencies, Commodities and Bonos

The time frame selected is from

With the next index have histogram and tables performance in several times frames.

Hierarchy by LAST SESSION performance Hierarchy by YEAR TO DAY performance Hierarchy by LAST 5 SESSIONS performance Hierarchy by LAST MONTH performance Hierarchy by LAST TRIMESTER performance Hierarchy by LAST SEMESTER performance

International stocks markets, commodities, bonos and currencies performance
International stocks markets, commodities, bonos and currencies performance

The table highlight the stocks index and commodities with positive return with $ symbol and with # symbol the stocks index and commodities with negative returns.

Post comentarys at twitter account joseangelmena


