Below is a table of the 50 stocks in the Eurostoxx 50. Highlight last month and last session % change and trading range frame. |
The stocks of DJ Eurostoxx 50 are ordered by sector and the table right columns are built with last 50 sessions standard deviations.
If we think that the trend is down, this instrument help us to discover the rebound top.
The evidence will be a high number the stocks on the overbought list, keep an eye out.
The colored column at the right of the table list the oversold (OS) or overbought (OB) that each stock show.
At the bottom of the table is an explanation of how to read the trading range screen.
The table highlight the stocks with positive return with $ symbol and with # symbol the stocks with negative returns.
Measures de distance (in standard deviations) that each stock is trading above or below its 50 day moving average.
With circle highlight the position at last check. With asterisk the position 1 week ago.
Circle in gray zone is neutral. When the circle is in the light or dark red zones it is considered oversold (OS), when it is in the light or dark blue zones indicate an overbought (OB) stock.
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